Concepts, Questionnaires and new Journal

Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: some Indian song
Topic: Methodology

Thought I would note this down before I forgot … it was something that James said. This is how does the LP course transforms itself because of the use of software … or are students challenges in the course because of the use of the software or the use of the computer or the actual LP concepts and principles.

Anyway, I’ve been looking up the International Journal of Technology in Mathematics Education, formerly the International Journal of Computer Algebra in Mathematics Education formerly the International Derive Journal. The library doesn’t subscribe to it, but was able to look up some abstracts, and it seems to be a journal that I might use in the future. I just emailed Helen and asked if she could subscribe to it. Hossein Zand published a paper in there recently … probably I could get some backing up from him, although I don’t know him (well personally – seen him around) – but read his work!!

John had suggested I set up an interview with him, and I think I should do that, at least to sound off my questionnaire. Jonathan had suggested I interview someone first and from that develop the questionnaire questions, which seems like a good suggestion.

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